- Engineering economic analysis
- Computer methods for engineering
- Engineering experimental design
- CIMS, robotics and automation
- Quality engineering, environment risk analysis
- Metrology and Quality control
- Measurement techniques
- Six Sigma
- Lean Manufacturing
- Casting Technology
- NABL Accreditation
- Health care service sector
- Supply chain management
- optimization Techniques
- Tools of Quality control
- Systems reliability engineering, maintenance analysis
- Human factors/ergonomics in design
- Simulation modelling/analysis
- System design and control systems, concurrent engineering
- Production systems analysis/design
- Facilities layout/design
- Financial/investment engineering
- Information systems, ICT, AI/expert systems design
- Project management, decision support systems
- Technology management/transfer
- Business and strategy, decision analysis
- Engineering economy, cost estimation
- Environmental issues
- Facility location, layout, design, materials handling
- Human factors, ergonomics, safety
- Education, case studies
- ICT and information systems
- Innovation, knowledge management, organisational learning
- Inventory, logistics, transportation, supply chain management
- Manufacturing, control, automation
- Product/process design and management
- Forecasting, production planning/control
- Project/operations management, scheduling
- Service systems/management, performance analysis, modelling/simulation
- TQM/quality engineering, reliability/maintenance engineering
Any other topics relevant to latest trends in Industrial Engineering
- Artificial Intelligence
- Parallel Processing and Distributed Computing
- Foundations of High-performance Computing
- Artificial Intelligences & Pattern/Image Recognition
- Neural Network
- Data Warehouse, Data Mining & Application
- Data Base Management Systems (DBMS) & Information Retrieval
- Digital Signal Processing
- Ad-Hoc, Mobile, Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing
- Mobile Agent Computing
- Quality of Services and Communication Protocol
- 3G/4G Network Evolution
- CDMA/GSM Communication Protocol
- Mobile Computing for e-Commerce
- Cryptography and Foundation of Computer Security
- Authentication/Authorization Issues
- PKI(Public Key Infrastructures)
- IDS/Firewall, Anti-Spam mail, Anti-virus issues
- Wireless Security System
- E-Business Applications
- Information Technology
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- Process Control & Instrumentation
- Embedded Systems
- Computer Graphics and Multimedia
- Artificial Intelligence
- Algorithm Design and analysis
- Security and Cryptography
- Communication Technologies
- Signal Processing
- VLSI Technology
- Mechanical Engineering relevant in Computer Science and Information Technology
- Civil Engineering relevant in Computer Science and Information Technology
- Pharmacy relevant in Computer Science and Information Technology
- Engineering Sciences relevant in Computer Science and Information Technology
- Cloud Computing and Applications
- Collaborative applications
- Communication architectures for pervasive computing
- Communication and Networking Systems
- Computer and microprocessor-based control
- Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems
- Computer Vision
- Computer Science and Its applications
Any other topics relevant to latest trends in Computer Science and Information Technology
- Artificial Intelligence
- Hybrid Renewable Energy and Energy Saving
- Controllers, Drives and Machine Design
- Fuzzy and Hybrid Optimization
- Artificial Immune System
- Conditional Monitoring and Instrumentation
- Circuits and Devices
- Communication and Information Processing
- Electrical Engineering Communications
- Electromagnetic and Microwave
- Measurement and Testing
- Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
- Optics and Optoelectronics
- Devices and Systems
- Computer Science and Its applicatio
- Semiconductors
- Systems and Control Engineering
- Power Engineering
- Power Transmission
- Transmission Lines etc.
- Power Electronics
- Electronics & Communication Engineering
- Vision-based applications
- VLSI Algorithms
- Web Technologies
- Wireless Technology
Any other topics relevant to latest trends in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Structural engineering (structures, machines and mechanical systems)
- Mechanics of materials (elasticity, plasticity, rheology, fatigue, fracture mechanics)
- Materials science (metals, composites, ceramics, plastics, wood, concrete, etc., their
- Structures and properties, methods of evaluation)
- Manufacturing engineering (process design, simulation, diagnostics, Maintenance,
- durability, reliability)
- Computational fluid dynamics
- Quality management systems
- Thermal engineering
- Allied engineering materials
- Modeling and simulation
- Mechatronics
- Industrial engineering
- Design engineering
- System engineering
- Application of industrial engineering to service sector
- Ergonomics
- Engineering materials
- Applied mechanics
- Optimization tools and techniques
- Automation and robotics
- Innovation management
- Supply-chain management
- Transportation Engineering
Any other topics relevant to latest trends in Civil Engineering
- Classical and quantum physics; mechanics and fields
- Relativity and gravitation
- Statistical physics and thermodynamics
- Measurement science, general laboratory techniques, and instrumentation systems
- Specific instrumentation and techniques of general use in physics
- General theory of fields and particles
- Specific theories and interaction models; particle systematics
- Specific reactions and phenomenology
- Properties of specific particles and resonances
- Radioactivity and electromagnetic transitions
- Nuclear reactions and scattering: general
- Nuclear reactions and scattering: specific reactions
- Properties of specific nuclei listed by mass ranges
- Nuclear engineering and nuclear power studies
- Experimental methods and instrumentation for elementary-particle and nuclear physics
- Theory of atoms and molecules
- Atomic spectra and interactions with photons
- Molecular spectra and interactions with photons
- Atomic and molecular collision processes and interactions
- Properties of atoms and molecules; instruments and techniques
- Studies of special atoms and molecules
- Electricity and magnetism; fields and charged particles
- Fiber optics
- Acoustics
- Heat flow, thermal and thermodynamic processes
- Mechanics, elasticity, rheology
- Fluid dynamics
- Kinetic and transport theory of fluids; physical properties of gases
- The physics of plasmas and electric discharges
- Condensed Matter: Structure, Thermal And Mechanical Properties
- Structure of liquids and solids; crystallography
- Mechanical and acoustic properties of condensed matter
- Lattice dynamics and crystal statistics
- Equations of state, phase equilibria, and phase transitions
- Thermal properties of condensed matter
- Transport properties of condensed matter (non electronic)
- Quantum fluids and solids; liquid and solid helium
- Surfaces and interfaces; thin films and whiskers
- Electron states
- Electronic transport in condensed matter
- Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces, interfaces, and thin films
- Superconductivity
- Magnetic properties and materials
- Magnetic resonances and relaxation in condensed matter; Mössbauer effect
- Dielectric properties and materials
- Optical properties & condensed matter spectroscopy, other interactions of matter with particles & radiation
- Electron and ion emsission by liquids and solids; impact phenomena
- Earth Science
- Geology
- Geophysics
- Ground Water Geophysics
Any other topics relevant to latest trends in Applied Physics.